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An Easy Way To Build Muscle

July 10, 2009

There are numerous articles, websites, blogs, magazine columns and such like that all give information and advice about the easiest ways to stimulate muscle growth. so, if there are all these different ways to grow muscle then how come it is so difficult for some people to do so? Well the answer is partly in the question. With so much conflicting and individualistic advice about, both on the net and in bookstores and magazines, how on earth is someone new to bodybuilding supposed to know what to do?

The new bodybuilder really needs to merely have knowledge of the essential basics in order to start growing therefore much of this information will be irrelevant. So with that in mind here are three sure fire steps to help anyone build muscle easily.

1) Push yourself hard in the gym. Ensure that in your program you use the multi-joint mass building exercises that follow: deadlifts, rows, squats, benchpresses and pull ups. These classic proven mass builders will ensure you build muscle easily. Steer away from exercises that isolate individual muscle groups, these are usually not designed for packing on mass but more for carving definition and toning up. Get to the gym, hit the weights hard and intensely for 45 minutes then get out and grow.

2) Pay attention to muscle building nutrition. It has been said for many years now that bodybuilding success is due to 20% how you train and 80% how you eat. Even today this is still very true! As a general guide half of your food should come in the form of carbohydrates, protein should make up 30% and the remainder should come from fats.

The following source of food come highly recommended, for carbs: rice, potatoes, pasta, brown breads. For protein: chicken, turkey, beef and fish, especially mackerel and tuna. the foods mentioned will supply adequate amounts of fats. If you have a few spare dollars to spend then try supplementing with: whey protein, essential fatty, acids, creatine and a good multi-vitamin product.

3) Rest. Your body grows during times of quality rest so this is naturally what you should do as an important part of your routine, rest. Many novice bodybuilders do not understand just exactly how important it is that their body has a chance to recover properly after each workout. Two workouts for each body part a week will be enough for most people.

Ok, I said it was simpie and it is. If you just stick to those basics you too can build muscle easy. Of course you can go into as much detail as you like within any one of those subject areas but in essence that is all you need to know to grow. With that in mind get out there, train hard, eat well and grow!

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